Google Workspace

Google Classroom Icon 

Elementary K-2 Teachers: If Google Classroom is not a fit for your littles, checkout SeeSaw.




Secondary: Create a separate Google Classroom for each period.

Elementary: If you have different classes of students, create a separate Google Classroom for each class.  This will save you so much time with grades. Click here to see how you can post assignments to multiple classes.

  • You can turn off student commenting when you first begin to use Google Classroom. When you and your students have created routines and online norms you can go back and adjust the settings to build class community in the Stream of your Google Classroom
  • Post all videos and assignments in Classwork. The Classwork section is where you can post AND ORGANIZE everything you want students to do. Stream is for class communication and can not be organized.
For Families: You can invite families to sign up to receive a Google Classroom summary of their child's work. You can also encourage parents to look in their child's Google Classroom by creating a "Parent Corner" topic in the Classwork section.



Image of ways to use topics

Under the Classwork tab, use the Topic category to organize all lessons and assignments.

-Will you organize by day or week?

-Do you want to create a "Parent Connection" topic to give parents resources?

You can move assignments and topics by dragging the three dots.

Teach students to always go to the CLASSWORK section & use VIEW YOUR WORK buttons.
  • Create "Material" if you ONLY want students to visit a link, read material, or watch a video etc.
  • Create "Assignment" when you want students to visit a link, read material, watch a video etc. AND/OR you want them to turn something in to you so that you can see that they have completed the assignment.



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