Pre-K for All Registration will take place through the online registration form.
Click here for the form.
Southwest ISD Pre-K offers:
- Free full day Pre-K
- State certified teachers
- 20 to 2 classroom ratio
- High quality early childhood curriculum
- Learning through discovery and exploration
- Oral language development
Benefits of our Pre-K Program
Research demonstrates that high-quality pre-k increases a child’s chances of succeeding in school and in life. Children who attend high-quality programs are less likely to be held back a grade, and more likely to graduate from high school.
Eligibility Requirements?
- Must be 4 by September 1 of that school year ( no exceptions)
- Must provide proof of income in order for the school to determine which PK program to place their child...we have Head Start and district PK.
- Other eligibility requirements are as follows:
- The child must qualify under at least one of the following:
- Limited in english proficiency
- Military dependent...or is a dependent of a person who died in the line of duty while in the military
- Receives government assistance
Note: If the family is over income then the child will be placed in the district PK program if there is space.
Required Documents?
- Birth certificate
- Proof of residency...utility bill to match the address on lease agreement or mortgage
- Shot records
- Proof of income...two months worth of pay stubs and or income tax
- Social security card
Contact Information
Interested in enrolling your child?
If you have any questions, please contact your child's home campus.