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Members - Terms (3 Year)
Ida Sudolcan, May 2022-May 2025
Sylvester Vasquez, Jr., May 2022-May 2025
Jose Diaz, May 2023 - May 2026
James Gonzalez ,May 2023 -May 2026
James Sullivan, Jr., May 2024-May 2027
Florinda “Flo” Bernal, May 2024-May 2027
Daniel Carrillo, May 2024-May 2027
Election Information:
The 2025 School Board Election will be held on Saturday, May 3, 2025
Locations of Voting Sites (May be subject to change):
Big Country Elementary
2250 Pue Rd., SA TX 78245
Bob Hope Elementary
3022 Reforma, SA TX 78211
McAuliffe Middle School
9390 SW Loop 410, SA TX 78242
Sky Harbour Elementary
5902 Fishers Bend, SA TX 78242
Southwest ISD Admin Office, Bldg. 800
11914 Dragon Lane, SA TX 78252
Horace Fincher Center, Lytle TX
19031 Priest Blvd., Lytle, TX 78052
Locations of Early Voting Sites (May be subject to change):
Southwest ISD Admin Office, Bldg. 800
11914 Dragon Lane, SA TX 78252
McAuliffe Middle School
9390 SW loop 410, SA TX 78242
Applications for ballot by mail may be requested from and returned to:
Bexar County Elections Administrator 1103 South Frio St., Suite 100
San Antonio, Texas 78207
Last Day to File for Candidacy:
February 14, 2025 by 5 p.m.
February 14, 2025 by 5 p.m.
An application for a place on the ballot must be in writing; signed, sworn to by the candidate before an authorized person to administer an oath, and dated; timely filed with the district’s filing authority; and contain specified information about the candidate:
- the candidate’s name, date of birth, and occupation;
- the candidate’s residence address or the address at which the candidate receives mail with the description of the location of the candidate’s residence;
- the candidate’s length of continuous residence in Texas and in the district as of the date the candidate swears to the application;
- if available, a public mailing address and email address at which the candidate receives correspondence relating to the candidate’s campaign;
- the office sought, including any place or other distinguishing number and an indication of whether the office sought is for a full or unexpired term;
- statements that the candidate is a U.S. citizen; has not been determined by a court to be mentally incapacitated; has not been convicted of a felony; is aware of the nepotism law.
To be eligible to be a candidate for, or elected or appointed to, the office of school board member, a person must:
- Be a United States citizen.
- Be 18 years of age or older on the first day of the term to be filled at the election or on the date of appointment, as applicable;
- Have not been determined by a final judgment of a court exercising probate jurisdiction to be totally mentally incapacitated or partially mentally incapacitated without the right to vote;
- Have not been finally convicted of a felony from which the person has not been pardoned or otherwise released from the resulting disabilities [but see Ineligibility below]
- Have resided continuously in the state for 12 months and in the territory from which the office is elected for six months immediately preceding the following date:
- for an independent candidate, the date of the regular filing deadline for a candidate’s application for a place on the ballot.
- for a write-in candidate, the date of the election at which the candidate’s name is written in.
- for an appointee to an office, the date the appointment is made
- Be registered to vote in the territory from which the office is elected on the date described above; and satisfies any other eligibility requirements prescribed by law for the office.
A person is ineligible to serve as a member of the board of a district if the person has been convicted of a felony or an offense under Penal Code 43.021 (solicitation of prostitution). Education Code 11.066
Election Administrator Liaison
Scott Stephens, Chief Financial Officer
Scott Stephens, Chief Financial Officer
Email: [email protected]
Alternate Liaison
Mary H Martinez, Administrative Assistant
Email: [email protected]
Southwest ISD
11914 Dragon Lane, Bldg. 800
San Antonio, TX 78252
210 622-4300, office
210 622-4815, fax
11914 Dragon Lane, Bldg. 800
San Antonio, TX 78252
210 622-4300, office
210 622-4815, fax