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Required Postings


AP Testing for Home Schooled Students: AP Registration | College Board AP Opportunities - (Education Code, §29.916(c), as amended by HB 1844, (80th Legislature))

Bullying Reporting Procedure (Education Code, §37.0832(e), as amended by HB 1942 (82nd Legislature)) (FFI Local)

College Credit Programs - (Education Code, §28.010(b), as amended by SB 282, (80th Legislature))
Federal Report Card - (Education Code 39.362)

Graduation Plans - (Education Code 28.02121(b))

McKinney Homeless Students (Education Code §33.096)

Improvement Plan for Low-Performing Campuses - (Education Code, §39.106, 39.107)

Information from THECB about Performance of Students in Post-secondary Institutions

Performance Rating of the District - (Education Code 39.362)

Definitions and Explanation of Each Performance Rating Described by Education Code 39.362:
PSAT Testing for Home Schooled Students - (Education Code, §29.916(c), as amended by HB 1844, (80th Legislature))

School Report Card - (Education Code 39.362)

Testing Dates - (Education Code 29.916)

Texas Academic Performance Reports - (Education Code 39.362)

Transition and Employment Guide for Special Education Students - (Education Code 29.0112)

Dual Credit Memorandums of Understanding

May 6, 2023  Board Trustee election: Order of Election
Agenda for a board meeting - (Government Code 551.056)

Board employment policies - (Education Code 21.204(A)-(D)

Comprehensive notice of privacy policy and procedures

Conflict Disclosure Statements and questionnaires - (Local Government Code 176.009)

Group health coverage report and plan - (Education Code, §22.004(D), as amended by HB 2427 (80TH Legislature))

Notice of a board meeting - (Government Code 551.056)

Non-discrimination disclosure:

It is the policy of the Southwest Independent School District not to discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, national origin, gender or handicap in its programs, services or activities as required by law, including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation act of 1973, as amended.
Es norma de Southwest Independent School District no discriminar por motivos de edad, raza, color, origen nacional, sexo o impedimento, en sus programas, servicios o actividades, como se requieren por la ley, incluyendo el Titulo VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964, según enmienda; el Titulo IX de las Enmiendas en las Educación de 1972 y la Sección 504 de la Ley de Rehabilitación de 1973 según enmienda.

Superintendent's contract - (Title 19, Texas Administrative Code 109.1005(B)(2)(A))

Vacancy Position Postings - (Education Code 11.163(d)(1)(B))

Title IX Coordinators - FFH (EXHIBIT), DIA (EXHIBIT)

Summary of Proposed Budget - (Education Code §44.0041, as amended during the 79th Legislature, Third Called Session)
Adopted Budget - (Education Code, §39.084, as amended by HB 3 (81st Legislature))
Debt Transparency Report as of August 31, 2022 - (Local Government Code §140.008, HB1378, 84th Legislature)
Annual Financial and compliance report - ( - Submission Requirements)

Electricity, Water, and Natural Gas Costs - (Government Code, §2265.001(b), as amended by HB 3693 (80th Legislature))

Landowner's Bill of Rights - (Government Code, §402.031, as amended by HB 1495 (80th Legislature)

Maintenance and Operations Tax Rate - (Tax Code, §26.05(b))
Reverse Auction Scheduled Internet Location (Government Code 2155.062(d))

Immunization Awareness (Education Code, §38.019, as amended by HB 1059 (80th Legislature))

Physical Activity Policies - (Education Code, §28.004(k))

Report of Violent or Criminal Incidents

Statement for Public Inspection by School Health Advisory Counsel

Campuses in school improvement (7.3.7 State Compensatory Education Audit)

District Improvement Plan (7.3.7 State Compensatory Education Audit)
Evaluation of State Compensatory Education (7.3.7 State Compensatory Education Audit)