Booster Clubs
Booster Club General Information
- This webpage is designed to assist Booster Club officers and members by providing organizational and financial guidance. Booster Club are separate entities from the school district. Only approved organizations, operating under these Booster Club guidelines and Southwest School District (SWISD) policies and procedures, shall be allowed to use the school name and/or facilities in support of its programs. Booster Club must be approved by the Principal and specific questions regarding booster activity should be addressed to the campus principal.
- SWISD defines a Booster Club as a school district approved club formed by parents and other interested non-student adults to work for the best interest and in a manner conducive to the enhancement of educational programs of the District.
- Booster Clubs must adhere to guidelines in the Booster Club Manual
- Campus principal must approve on-campus activities
- Any action taken at a meeting will be subject to review and revocation by the sponsor or principal
- No student activities, parties, meetings, travel, or other gathering in the name of the school organization or booster organization without prior permission has been received from the sponsor and the principal or the sponsor is present.
- Members are expected to follow the same standards of conduct as District employees when chaperoning, sponsoring, or attending student activities.
- Organizations shall not directly support political activities by providing campaign donations or placing advertisements in support of a particular candidate
- If a candidate running for office is invited to join a meeting, all candidates running for the office must be extended an invitation to the event
Required Forms & Deadlines
On a yearly basis the booster club will submit the following to Campus Principal, Membership, and SWISD's Assistant Superintendent for Business & Finance.
- Booster Club Statement of Purpose by July 31st
- Booster Club Budget by September 1st
- Booster Club Annual Report by July 31st
- Booster Club Audit Report by July 31st
- Forms filed on an as-need basis
- Contribution Acknowledgement Form
- Booster Club Fundraising Application
Additional Information
Additional information can be found by reviewing the Booster Club Overview Presentation or the Booster Club Guidelines