Student Support Services Department » Multi-Tiered System of Support, MTSS (RTI)

Multi-Tiered System of Support, MTSS (RTI)

What is MTSS?
Multi-tiered System of Support [MTSS] also often referred to by the acronym RTI, Response to Intervention is a systematic approach to assisting students experiencing difficulty with learning and/or behavior. RTI is usually organized into three tiers of support.
- Tier 1 is provided in the regular education classroom as the school's general curriculum.
- Tier 2 is provided in small group settings usually in the regular education classroom with targeted instructional interventions in needed skills.
- Tier 3 is provided in small groups in a variety of settings and involves more structured and intense intervention.
Because RTI is usually provided in this tiered format, it is referred to in law as Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS). Southwest ISD is committed to providing evidence-based instruction and intervention to all students in need of intervention through a three-tiered system. Each campus has an MTSS (RTI) team which considers the needs of its students.

Our Mission: 

The mission of the Southwest Independent School District (SWISD) is to prepare all students with the knowledge, competencies, social responsibilities, and positive self-image to be lifelong learners and contributing members of society. The Southwest Independent School District will provide programs and conditions that maximize learning success so that all students meet individual high-level performance standards.

  • Provide all students with a comprehensive framework of learning
  • Foster an environment where Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is a priority
  • Communicate effectively for SWISD Community
  • Create an environment for optimal learning success
  • Engage the community in supporting student success
  • Provide Professional Development (PD) for teachers to effectively implement MTSS/RTI

Our Values

At the heart of our mission is a core set of shared values that serve to ground and enliven our collective identity and strengthen our commitment to our mission as educational leaders. The foundation of success for our students and our school system is rooted in our core values.

  • Every Child - We put students at the heart of everything we do.
  • Collective Greatness - We, as a community, leverage our individual strengths to reach challenging goals.
  • Collaborative Spirit - We believe in each other and find joy in our work.
  • Limitless Curiosity - We never stop learning and growing.
  • Moral Compass - We are guided by strong character, ethics and integrity.
Our hope is that every member of the SWISD family - educators, parents, students and community members - will adopt and share this set of values as we work to best serve students on their educational journey.

District Learner Goals

Each SWISD Learner will... 

  • Be empowered through technological literacy, leadership opportunities, mentoring, and relevant real-world application to achieve greatness. 
  • Engage in meaningful, inquisitive, problem-solving in every course. 
  • Achieve individual SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time-bound) goals within a personal success plan.
  • Have interpersonal skills, including collaboration, communication, and adaptability. 
  • Be empathetic, collaborative, and have continuous personal growth.


Our MTSS/RTI District Goals:

The Southwest Independent School District believes a Multi-Tiered System of Supports/Response to Intervention (MTSS/RTI) framework will help achieve our school and community’s commitment to this mission. MTSS/RTI is a problem-solving and prevention model with strong evidence of success. MTSS/RTI uses data-based decision-making to inform academic, Social-Emotional Learning, and behavioral instruction and intervention based on individual student needs. As a result of our commitment to developing an effective support system for all students, this handbook serves as a framework for foundational support systems to ensure the success of all stakeholders, by providing the necessary interventions for all students to succeed academically, socially, and emotionally.

Our goal for our students: the MTSS/RTI framework of support provides opportunities for our students to be known, respected, and supported across the diversity of their learning needs, so they may achieve success in their academics, personal relationships, and career readiness.

Our goal for our educators: the MTSS/RTI framework is a way to support all students more effectively, and efficiently. We aim to support/train our teachers in the collection and documentation of observations and student data - as well as the planning and reporting process required for differentiation and intervention, so we may empower our teachers to spend more time building relationships with their students, delivering personalized support, and experiencing professional success.

The RTI team has three purposes:

  1. To review school-wide behavior and academic data in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the Tier 1 curriculum.

  2. To screen and identify students needing additional academic and/or behavioral support.

  3. To plan, implement and monitor interventions for these students. Depending on each student’s “response to intervention,” a formal referral for special education may result.

MTSS (RTI) is intended to be a structured, systematic process involving the following:
    • Group decision making

    • School-wide planning

    • Planning for students needing academic or behavioral support

    • Regular meetings with parent notification

    • Individualizing-intensifying interventions

District Contact:

Danielle Aliano

Support Services Coordinator
[MTSS/RTI & Interventions]

210-622-4335 ext 3057

[email protected]