Student & Outreach Services » Social Services

Social Services

SWISD School Social Workers are highly trained mental health professionals with social work degrees. They specialize in delivering services that address our students' social, emotional, and transitional needs as they navigate school and society. Serving as a crucial connection point, our School Social Workers facilitate communication and collaboration between the home, school, and community. They offer both direct and indirect assistance to students, families, and school staff, all with the overarching goal of promoting and fostering students' overall success.


The McKinney-Vento Act ensures specific rights for homeless children and youth:
1. Immediate Enrollment: Homeless students have the right to enroll in school right away, even if they lack the usual documents required for enrollment.
2. School of Origin: They have the right to attend either the school they were attending before becoming homeless (if the parent or guardian requests it and it's feasible) or the school in the area where they are currently living.
3. Transportation: If the parent or guardian requests it and it's feasible, homeless students have the right to transportation to their school of origin.
4. Comparable Services: Homeless students are entitled to services that are similar to what housed students receive. This includes transportation and additional educational assistance if needed.
5. Non-Segregation: Homeless students have the right to attend school alongside students who are not experiencing homelessness. Schools are strictly prohibited from segregating students based on their homeless status.
6. Informational Posting: Information about the rights of homeless students should be prominently posted not only in schools but also in various locations throughout the community.
The McKinney-Vento Act aims to ensure that homeless students have the opportunity to continue their education without unnecessary barriers and receive the support needed to succeed academically, regardless of their housing situation.
For more information please contact Pupil Services or your campus social worker.

Foster Care

The Southwest ISD Foster Care Support program provides school stability, and access to additional resources, and enables the student to be successful in school.  Each campus has a designated the social worker as their campus Foster Care Liaison to provide support to our students in Foster Care. Support services available include:
1. Immediate Enrollment: Students in Foster Care have the right to enroll in school right away, even if they lack the required documents for enrollment.
2. Transportation: Students in Foster Care are entitled to transportation to school of origin if DFPS determines it is in the best interest of the child.
3. Free School Meals: Students in Foster Care automatically eligible for USDA child nutrition programs and do not have to complete a separate application to participate in the program. 
For more information please contact Pupil Services or your campus social worker.

Military-Connected Children

School social workers provide support and resources to military-connected children and their families throughout the school year to ensure student stability and success in school.
For more information please contact Pupil Services or your campus social worker.
Office of Pupil Services
T: (210) 622-4351         FAX:(210) 622-4346
Lori Perez, LMSW
Director of Social Services
Extension 4030
Monica De Luna, Clerk
Student and Outreach Services
Extension 3809

MDLMonica DeLuna-Arguello

Pupil Services Clerk for Southwest Independent School District.

Monica has been in education for 20 years. She started in Ft. Worth, Texas, at Eagle Mountain ISD as the Computer Lab- Aide for two years. Monica has served the SWISD community for the last 18 years. She began at the Transportation Department and Child Nutrition in 2004. In 2008, she transferred to Curriculum & Instruction as the Career &Technology Clerk, where she supported Career &Technology Teachers at Southwest High School until 2016. Later, she decided to transfer to Student & Outreach, where she has served for seven years. Her role and responsibility as the Clerk for Pupil Services is to assist support staff, students, parents, coworkers, and district social workers with meeting the needs of our homeless, foster, and military families. She also works closely with district staff and social workers to manage the district food pantry, clothing, and shoe closets.