Payment Methods
Online Payments
SWISD Child Nutrition transitioned to a new nutritional system - School Cafe. School Cafe has a Family Hub that provides the easiest and most intuitive way for parents/guardians to access their student's accounts. Within the hub parents/guardians can view or transfer balances, make automatic payments, review purchases and more.
Use this link to create an account to access your student's profiles, make online payments and more:
For answers to frequently asked questions, and to get the most up-to-date help with this or any other information not covered here, please visit our website at
Please contact the Child Nutrition Office 210-622-4380 with any issues setting up School Cafe's Family Hub account.
School Cafe Family Hub Flyer Help
Check & Cash Payments
Check Payments
Make checks payable to the school cafeteria your child attends (example: "SW Elementary Cafeteria") and include your student's name and ID number on the check. Checks can be brought or sent to the cafeteria.
Cash Payments
Cash may be brought to your student's campus cafeteria for deposit into their account or they may pay with cash on a daily basis. All students eat free lunch and breakfast, therefore any money in a student's account can be used to purchase a la carte items or an extra portion.