Purchasing Department Description, Mission Statement and Goals
The Purchasing Department is the central procurement agency for Southwest ISD. The purpose of the Purchasing Department is to ensure that the district complies with all local, state, and federal laws, statutes, and regulations on procurement, and contracting and to assist campuses and departments with the task of purchasing through centralizing those functions of the district into one department.
Mission Statement
The Purchasing Department shares the responsibility of expending District funds in such a manner that will meet all requirements of the State, Federal, and District procurement regulations and safeguard the public's trust. As a support department of the District, we will guide instructional and administrative departments in the procurement of goods and services.
The GOALS of the Purchasing Department include:
- Obtaining the best product at the lowest cost to the taxpayer while complying with all Federal, State, and local laws as well as District policies and guidelines.
- Educating and informing all internal and external customers about District rules, regulations, and methodology for the basis for bid/RFP awards and procurement processes.
- To provide all stakeholders with efficient and customer-oriented service.