Gifted and Talented Program
Southwest I.S.D. is firmly committed to the idea that gifted and talented services are the right of every student who performs at or shows the potential for performing at a remarkably high level of accomplishment when compared to others of the same age, experience, or environment. These students also exhibit high performance capability in an intellectual, creative, or artistic area, possess an unusual capacity for leadership, or excel in a specific academic field.
- IDENTIFICATION - Identify students in grades K-12 who demonstrated an academic need for gifted services using the criteria established by the district, approved by the board, and in compliance with the state mandates.
- SELF-DIRECTED LEARNERS - Develop students' capacities to become self-directed and to be confident in their ability to research and process information and to create and communicate their findings as they produce and present advanced-Ievel products or performances as well as products and performances of professional quality at the high school exit level.
- COMPLEX THINKING SKILLS - Enhance and refine the abstract and complex thinking and reasoning of these students through more sophisticated creative and critical thinking activities as they reflect and refine their own thinking processes.
- APPROPRIATE INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES - Provide students with multiple opportunities to participate in learning experiences using advanced content (within the four core areas) which are defensibly differentiated in depth, complexity and range through modification to content and/or process and/or product. Students will be able to work independently, with groups of other gifted students, and with groups of non-gifted peers.
Program Services
Southwest Independent School District offers a variety of learning experiences and opportunities for Gifted and Talented students in grades K-12. These services include, but are not limited to, integrating Depth and Complexity into the curriculum, requiring advanced level products and performances, and allowing identified Gifted and Talented students the opportunity to work with other identified students. Services are available in all four core academic areas including Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies. Identified students will be provided GT services in their area of strength (but not limited to) and will have the opportunity to work independently, with other identified students, and with students of other abilities.
Southwest ISD elementary schools follow a program design which places identified GT students in classes with other GT students (cluster-grouped classes). Instructors at the elementary level have completed the thirty (30) hours of gifted and talented foundation training to include Nature and Needs of Gifted Students, Identification and Assessment of Gifted Students, and Curriculum and Instruction for Gifted Students. In addition, elementary teachers who serve gifted students must keep current by attending a six-hour annual gifted education update training. Teachers of these classes will provide differentiated instruction that integrates creative thinking skills into English Language Arts and Reading, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. Teachers are responsible for implementing appropriate accommodations to differentiate the regular curriculum to allow students, when needed, to go above and beyond, thus meeting the needs of identified GT students.
Program options at the elementary level are designed to enable gifted students to work together as a group, work with other students, and work independently during the school day. Students are given opportunities to accelerate in their individual areas of strength. In school, and when possible, out-of-school options relevant to the student’s areas of strength are available during the school year.
- 6TH - 12TH GRADE
Southwest ISD secondary schools follow a program design in which identified GT students are served through Honors, Advanced Placement (AP), OnRamps, and Dual Credit (DC) coursework. Teachers of these classes will provide differentiated instruction that integrates creative thinking skills into English Language Arts and Reading, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. Teachers are responsible for implementing appropriate accommodations to the regular curriculum to meet the needs of identified GT students based on individual students' identification area.
The Gifted and Talented instructional program at the secondary level is served in the classroom using differentiated curriculum strategies and thematic units of study, delivered by the classroom teacher.
Program options at the secondary level are designed to enable gifted students to work together as a group, work with other students, and work independently during their courses. Students are given opportunities to accelerate in their individual areas of strength. In school, and when possible, out-of-school options relevant to the student’s areas of strength are available during the school year.